Sunday, September 03, 2006

Just another day on the farm...

I just had to share this picture. Sorry the lighting is poor- we were backlit by that window. Just to keep you from straining your eyes and trying to count youngins, there are 17 children. And each just as dear and sweet and funny as they can be. 9 of them belong to my dear friend, Mary, and they are here for the weekend and maybe for the following week if I can convince their Mama to make do without them and to let them stay. I think she'll agree. After I took their picture, the second on the right-Annalee, laughs and said, "That was great! I have never seen my Mom stand on the counter!" I dare say she hasn't, but there was no other way to get a picture of all those smiling faces.

The house is quiet, now, as everyone but Paul and I are off to church. We have the worst colds- sore throats and sinus drainage, and I am certain that we could lease our heads out as a dependable source of hyro-electric power. So I have sat here quite long enough. It's off to bed for a nap before lunch.


dot said...

great picture, reminds me of when I was a kid. There were nine of us kids and our friends that we were with all the time had six, therefore the table was many times this full and fun.

quiltpixie said...

wonderful photo. I'm overwhelmed at the thought of that much noise and activity (I'm an only child), but it also looks like fun..

Evelyn aka Starfishy said...

Look at all those SMILING faces! I am the youngest of 7 so very used to large family meals - sometimes Mom would invite so many people over she would ask them if they could bring a chair or two - but there was always, always room and plenty of food... lots of good times. All these kids are going to have great memories!



Darcie said...

How fun is that!!! Thanks for all of those smiles, Nines! Wish you and Paul were feeling better though. That would be a grand thing: to hear all of those young voices singing in church. Brings goosebumps to me.

Take care...try some fresh squeezed lemon, a little honey, and enough water to make a cuppa tea...then add a sprinkle of cayenne (sp?) to add zip. It'll drain those sinuses...and give you a boost of energy. (Can you have honey with your beebees?)


Pamela (Peni) Teel said...

So glad I checked - I thought you'd be too busy to blog for a day or two. WONDERFUL photo, wonderful times, wonderful YOU! GF loves this scene, you know!!!!

Glad you made it work...and hope you and Paul feel much better soon.


teelduo said...

soo where's the rest of the story? Do you have 17 kids for the week? ANd how ya feeling? love you

Isobel said...

17 kids...that is a whole classroom but I sent them all home at the end of the day.

You are something special.

Aunt Isobel

Ann said...

17 kids and you want them to all stay? BLESS you, woman! You have a heart of gold and more patience than I can imagine. I ran a daycare for 11 years and would have a house full, but I was always grateful for the "quiet" time when they all went home and I put my 2 to bed.

Lucy said...

wow so much children together . that must be a fun evening :-)