Thursday, August 13, 2009

New Frames...
I realize it isn't exactly quilty, but blue and brown are coming up in a whole lot of quilts these days. Pardon the shiny nosy and the scraggly brows- I really need a powder and a wax. Sounds like I'm some kind of fancy automobile. I just wanted to share my new frames with you guys. They are bifocals- those gradual types and I am struggling to adjust to them, but I look pretty cute in these as I squint my way around, holding my head at all kinds of odd angles. Mostly still wearing the contacts with the reading glasses, as needed.
Not getting much done on the quilting front. I won't gripe about the heat 'cause I know there are a whole lot hotter places out there than Indiana. I'm just not feeling inspired. I'm sure the urge to cut apart perfectly good fabric and then sew it back together will befall me once again. For now... I'm waiting and getting a minimum of anything else done! How 'bout you?


Julie in the Barn said...

You are stylin', girl. I wear those graduated things too and it took me awhile to walk up and down stairs with confidence. Once you get used to them it's just fine, though.

Elaine Adair said...

Spiffy frames!

I'm on a quilting roll - not sure how it happened, but ... cleaned things, found fabric, tidied fabric, cut fabric, sewed fabric, quilted fabric -- one thing leads to another.

The HEAT does slow us down, doesn't it? Your spirits will return.

Pamela (Peni) Teel said...

You ARE pretty cute in those glasses. Makes us feel good to have a dose of cute now and again. I think the quilting spirit will return once you've rested a bit more. XOXOXOXO Mama

Donna said...

Within two days of getting my graduated I didn't notice them anymore -- though I do remember sitting through a very long tedious lecture the first day and continually bobbing my head to bring the guy in and out of focus in an effort to entertain myself... :-)

Isobel said...

I try not to get too much done or those around me will come to expect it.

julieQ said...

Really cute frames. I found myself having to get pretty close to the board at work to read it...sigh...guess some glasses will be in my future soon! Hope I can find some cute ones like those.

Julia said...

I love those glasses!! Way cute!!! I got my first pair of glasses this spring, they were those progressive things and I HATED them! They made me motion sick, things coming in and out of focus drove me nuts! I took them back and had them put in just a single vision lens for distance. I use them only when I drive. When I need something for up close I put on my little reading glasses. :~)

Darcie said...

Lovelovelove your new specs!!!

And you are so totally funny!!! Goofy girl...squinting and fancy autos and all. (Almost spewed my coffee!)

Four-eyed hugs and smiles to you from me!