Tuesday, August 22, 2006

More Nubbins...

... Here are some post cards that I've made using some of my nubbins. I have been having one headache after another with the blog and so I have been pouting in my quilting room. Just refusing to come out, more or less. At least in the evening when I am more inclined to write. I'm just too busy during the day and I usually unwind in the evening/night by writing. But when nothing works like it did a couple of weeks ago... I am really just too tired to sit here and fiddle with things. So I throw in the towel and stomp away to the quilting room. Can't say there's much I can't work out of my system down there!

I got to thinking about those little bits of fabric... and threw them on a postcard. I like it. The butterfly, I just like the sparkle from the Angelina fibers. I've been saving my metalic thread snippings- nubbins in their own right- and have been putting them with the Angelina to a very nice affect. I have discovered fast2fuse for the base inside the postcards. I had been using timtex- but it was kinda bulky and the fast2fuse, well it fuses. Makes it easier to work with. And iron-on pellon- what a life saver that is! Makes the decorative stitching look decorative instead of a mess. They are nice small projects that...get me over the blog woes.

I didn't mean to leave everybody hanging over Bekah's stitches. You know how kids can be. Do yours build these ridiculous deathtraps- all in the name of having fun? I really try hard not to interfere- they can be quite creative and I don't want to be some kind of hypochondriac. I know I might be 'cause this is the first stitches in any of my children. 8 kids under the age of 17 and no stitches or broken bones. Now don't you think that says something? I'm not sure what it says, exactly. The boys have all had their head lacerations, but nothing we couldn't tape up. Bekah fell off the top of the slide and cut the inside of her thigh on the ladder. Looking back, it was rather amusing the chain reaction of screams when the four youngest saw the blood. And they really aren't the type to panic. No serious harm done. 7 stitches and since Bekah wants to become a dr., she just looked at it as a learning experience. She told the doctor who sewed her up that John(age 9) had told her she had to be 10 before she could become a dr. She says that she'll be taking them out, herself. Save me a trip to the Dr. so that'll be fine with me. (We had 8 different Dr. appts last week. 1 dental, 7 optical.)

DH and I had a date earlier this evening. After a movie, we went to an old-fashioned drive-in. That was a lot of fun. Had a slaw dog- lots of horseradish, Dad. Very good. Hot dogs are funny that way. Different according to your location.

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  1. Oh my! She's a tough girl. :)

  2. Like those cards - will you teach me?

    Looks like you're working out the picture/blog woes ... hope that continues 'cause we miss your winsome ways.

    love, Mama

  3. Hey Nina, what do you do with the post cards after you make them? I never heard of this before.

  4. your postcards looks great. I too find them a fast easy and creative project when nothing else seems to be working well. I've tried using angelina fibers, but only end up with a solid mess that peels off hte fabric. I'll need to find instrucitons for their use, not just experiement I guess...

  5. oh that butterfly is so gorgeous-I collect butterfly fabrics..so this is especially appealing to me-you do such lovely creative work Nines. Glad to hear the rest of the story..love that she will take out her own stitches :-)

  6. Lovelovelove your postcards, Nines! I've been saving some Angelina just for postcards too...perhaps you've enticed me into actually creating something...one of these days!

    So sorry about Bekah's little accident. What a trooper she must be!

    A drive in! I didn't know there were any, anymore...how nostalgic! Sounds like a great date to take with your sweet hubby. Good for you! ;-)

  7. I love that butterfly. Such soothing colors.

    It's amazing how kids do the craziest things and don't get REALLY hurt most of the time. That's an awesome injure track record at your house. I'm amazed you've done so well with so many boys. My sister and I each managed to break a bone or two by 9 years old and I managed to not only break my leg but also get stitches in about a one year period! (Age 5-6-First and last time for both!)
