Friday, April 17, 2009

Above and beyond...

the call of duty! A couple of my hens are all wrapped up in Spring and are laying double time! I have 15 poulets and I am getting 17 eggs a day! Woo-hoo. Soon I'll have enough to share. That's always fun.
Sewing just a little- literally. Working on a tiny quilt. But working on the yard while the sunny days are here. The little ones are enjoying some hard work. Funny how they love the jobs I don't like so much.
The girls and I ran some errands last night and we were killing time at the mall while waiting for sweet William. I am ever so proud that we came away with just two books- no clothes. My kind of girls!


  1. Did you ever stop to think that if they did this every day it would be 6205 eggs per year...that would be 689.5 eggs per person in your house per year oo 1.88 eggs per day per person? Isn't that just what you always wanted to know?

  2. There's nothing like farm fresh eggs! So pretty. I kind of miss the gathering and cleaning.

    Funny you should post this. Todd and I journeyed to town yesterday...and the farm store had chicks in for purchase. Oooh, how I wanted about a dozen. But we got rid of the so called chicken coop. And I'm afraid things would be just a bit messy if I'd keep them in the house for too long. lol

    Farm fresh hugs comin' to ya! ;-)

  3. So is that sweet little helper hand Boo's? I think this needs to go on Grandfather's desktop. Happy Spring!

  4. sounds like you had no shortage of eggs for Easter! wow those girls are really trying hard.. :-)

  5. I'd love to get chickens, but with a property that only measures about 60' x 60', I think my neighbors might complain. My friend, Linda, love the Aricaunas and their blue-green eggs. Pre-colored for Easter!

  6. Where's the pictures of the slave labor you promised me? EH? LOL I think Aunt Isobel has too much time on her hands! ROFL

  7. Oh, your chickens give me hope. My chicks are about a month old so I have a while to wait before I'm getting my own eggs.

  8. I miss the fresh eggs I got from a local farmer back in the UK...somehow I don't think my suburban neighbors would put up with it here in the states....
