Monday, May 17, 2010

Think Spring!!!

I figured out(with Mom's help) how to post a picture- that will last til next time. Hrump. I finished the piecing on my Little Bits paper piecing pattern for Spring. Still need to quilt it- story of my life. It is pretty small- about 17"x something-or-other. That's a technical quilting term. I don't guess it would take too much to get it quilted with a little meander... we'll see. That's Mom talk for "maybe, but not real soon."

Had a great day today. Started a bit slow, as it was raining when I woke up and doesn't that just take a whole lot of caffeine to counteract? Three diet cokes later, I'm bee-bopping through the day. Finishing things- I had a T-shirt quilt for a client that needed quilting. Finished. Then there were the two blocks that needed to be sewn up for the Wayward Fabric club meeting next week. I don't usually put that kind of thing off- as I enjoy doing it and I don't like having things hanging over my head. Can't say why I waited to get to it... I'll post a picture soon... we'll see. Then I got the borders on this Little Bits project. All in all, a productive afternoon. Might go do some laundry as I am fearfully behind. Plenty of time in between loads to get some sewing in...we'll see.


  1. Cute Little Bits. I just got a new 'puter, too. Haven't tried to download pics yet. Went from PC to MAC so I have a lot to learn. May try tomorrow...we'll see.

  2. I'm past "thinking spring" and have gone on to dreaming of fall! It is already hot and muggy here and this redhead hates to sweat.

    Only 6 days left of school and I am subbing 3 of them. Trying to make a little spending money for this summer!

    Miss you! Love you lots!

  3. Hmmmmmm, you say you are behind but still sounds like you accomplish more than I do. Love the wall hanging. I like paper piecing but don't do all that much of it.

  4. Cute!!! I love all of your batiks! And that sunshine up against the border is just dynamite!

    Love you, girlfriend!
