Friday, September 24, 2010

Nines' tub of shame...

Sandy started the whole thing by asking how many quilt tops I have that need to be quilted... a lot, I figured. Quite a lot. But I hadn't actually counted in a long while so I went digging in the tubs under my counter. After sifting and sorting I came up with one large tub.

First, I would just like to say that this represents an extensive amount of piecing. Right? It's hardly like I haven't been doing anything. Right? The grand total? Well... there are 19 bed-sized quilts and another 10 or so smaller ones. And I call myself a quilter. Shameful. Sigh. And this doesn't include Mom's tub. No, Mom, I am not trying to make you feel guilty. Just stating facts. (amidst the quilt tops were numerous finished quilts. Too many to number, to be honest. I need some of my grown children to come home and take some of them away. And I need to make gifts of some of them. It isn't like I won't make more, you know. Something has to be done about this overwhelming urge to cut and sew...)

So what do I plan to do about the situation? Well I worked at the LQS for two quilt backs, today. And I am going to seriously curb my fabric shopping in favor of backing and batting shopping. And I need to set a date with the quilting machine and stick to it. A little discipline. Wouldn't that be novel? Wish me luck.


scraphappy said...

You could try the Bonnie Hunter method of cutting up 10.5 inch squares and sewing them together for backing fabric. Three things accomplished in one fell swoop: clearing out unlovelies from your stash, satisfying the urge to cut and piece and coming up with "free" backing fabric.

julieQ said...

That is about how many I have to quilt too...not bad at all, right? RIGHT? Hee!! I need a little discipline too!

Julie in the Barn said...

Thank you, dear Nines, for making me feel better. I have 22 tops and at least 6 other partially done quilts. I don't feel so bad knowing you have almost as many and a quilting machine to boot! I get bogged down getting the backs prepped so the tops seem to just stack up.

Sarah said...

Remember when you used to quilt at least one top a week? I guess I need to come up there and enforce that again!

I have talked the family into staying home from tail gating today in favor of getting something done around here. The kids need to clean their rooms and I am hoping to make some progress on the class sample for the quilt class I am teaching in a month.

As far as making progress on your pile of tops - get the kids to help you pin them on!

Love you!

Pamela (Peni) Teel said...

Well, I don't see anything shameful in all that work! When I bring my tub, my box may equal yours. . . but I'm neither apologizing nor in any hurry. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow....

Isobel said...

Happy quilting.

Susan said...

I wish you luck! I guess that makes you a topper? Until you have them quilted, but you will. Won't it soon be time for your children to plan those meals, leaving you more hours to quilt?