Wednesday, January 30, 2019

 Crumb size to cracker size...

I joined 16 of the 4" crumb blocks together to make 36 blocks.  I think I'll join them in a 6x6 configuration. That way, I'll use them all.  

It's cold, today.  -15 with wind chill around -45.  I made a decision a while back not to complain about the weather.  Seems a little ungrateful.  (Plus, it gets tiresome to hear a complaint about the weather with every person you meet.) It may be cold out, but I have a warm fire and lots of blankets.  How blessed I am.  There are homeless people out there who I hope have found a warm place to sit and wait it out. God bless them. 

 That's a lot of seam allowances. But the new 66 my husband gave me for Christmas sewed through them without a single problem.  She's a very nice machine.  I'll be sewing with her instead of the 301 for a while.  I found a batting under the quilting machine that I forgot I had.  (I forgot I had the batting not the quilting machine.  She's rather the white elephant in the room.)  So I figure I'll quilt one of those quilt tops, soon. Might even get it loaded up, today.  Stay tuned.  At any rate, my quilting skills should improve with all the intensive quilting I plan on doing.     

A little windfall.  An itty bitty 4" block.

I'm not sure when I pieced it, but it's made from my hand dyed fabric.  I was going to make a coaster from it but Evabeth says I shouldn't set a cup on it.  Any suggestions on what I should do with it?  Is it too small for a wallhanging?

Stay warm my friends!  

1 comment:

Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

Great job on the crumb blocks! I don't think 4" is too small for a wall hanging. If you do, you can add more to it, medallion style to make it bigger.