Isn't he cute? He is having open-heart surgery, Monday. I think it's quadruple bypass. He had a heart attack when he was only 47, and had a by-pass surgery then. Well, it is 14 years later and he is up for it again. Poor dear! He has some kind of congenital heart disease or something. I am planning on flying to WV on Saturady, to be there for the surgery and to try and distract my mom. I don't know how long I will be staying as I want to make sure they are both settled in at home. I just hate being so far away from them- and I am the closest of my siblings at 6 hours. I care for my ailing and invalid mother-in-law, so it is hard for me to leave her, but what can I do? My dear husband, is so great with the children and I am leaving him with a detailed list of schedules for meds and care and such. You know how some men seem completely helpless around children and the elderly? Well, Bill is not one of them. (Don't you wonder if the whole "I'm so clueless" routine is a put-on to get out of work?;) Of course, he doesn't have any hang-ups about making sure the kids look presentable when they go out or having cake for breakfast, or getting to bed at the same time each night... But I figure that if I'm not with them, how could I be embarrassed and if he wants to feed them cake three times a day... well, he's a strong and tolerant guy, so no doubt the sugar bunnies won't drive him up a wall. No really, he'll do fine. I'm sure they'll be fine. fine...fine...fine...I just won't ask what they were wearing to church...
I will add your father to my prayer list...and your family as well! I'm sure your husband will surprise you with how well he handles everything, which will make it easier for you to go on quilt retreats in the future! :o)
Nines -
We will remember your dad in our prayers too! Give him and your mom a hug for me.
If you need anything - you know to call, right?
Love, Sarah
Prayers for your dad's quick healing and blessings for you to cope. Sounds like you have a terrific DH who is a great dad and the kids will be just fine. Let us know how it turns out. Jen
I'll add your dad to my prayer list...and trust he's in good hands.
Have a safe journey, and come back soon. Hugs, Finn
Nina, you do indeed have a cute Papa. I remember thinking when I met him what a wonderful face he has. Kind and interesting. I pray his surgery goes well and that you and your mom hold together... and Bill and the team! God bless you all. Much love, Betty
You may have already left for WV by now.... Know that while you are in one place and away from your family, you're still very much a part of their every moment....
Pa may be feedin' the youngins' cake, but I 'spect they're thinkin' onlya Ma when they're eatin' it! ;-) OK. That was a "Little House" moment...oops!
Big hugs to you...and many prayers as well.
thinking of you and your family, all will be well,
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