Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Best Friends for 21 years...

...married for 19. September 21, 1987. Seems like a long, long time ago. I heard a preacher once speak of how Jesus learned obedience- and I wondered what he meant- as Jesus never disobeyed. Yes, he knew what obedience was...But he learned obedience- even death on a cross. Learned obedience to a whole different level- all the way to the breaking point and beyond. Marriage can be that way. Sure, you love them when you're saying, "I do"... But over the years, when you struggle together and suffer loss, sharing more than you thought you could ever bear... that's taking love to a whole other level. You learn love. Bill has been my very dearest friend through the best and the worst moments of my life. He's the life of every party and the rock everyone can lean on. And I thank God every night when I lay my head down on my pillow that I have been so blessed.


dot said...

Congrats. We celebrated 29 years in August and I know what you mean.

Melanie said...


Pamela (Peni) Teel said...

Have't ask....who took that BEAUTIFUL picture?

You're even more handsome / beautiful than you were 19 years ago...true love shines through!

Love you both so! Mom

Sarah said...

Happy anniversary!!! Yesterday was Naomi and Grant's 15th. Is Bill going to take you somewhere romantic for dinner? Not sure anything in Muncie or New Castle is all that romantic!

Love you both!

Darcie said...

HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY YOU TWO!!! What a lovely couple. You're both truly blessed.

You have such a way with words, Nina dear. Such meaning.

Blessing to you...for many, many more years together!

His Office, My Studio said...

Congratulations! Happy anniversary!We just pasted 21 years.

Shelina said...

Happy Anniversary.

Laura said...


Evelyn aka Starfishy said...

I have to say - I love reading your Mom's comments! Congratulations - that is a wonderful photo to mark your anniversary!!! Here's to best friends!

