several, actually! What a day! I was feeling a bit gloomy. Can't say why... I have no idea. Might have been the 2 weeks we've been snowed in... but I don't really mind that. Then the mail lady drives up our lane and that means a box!! The kids and I get so excited when this happens- it's like that "Wells Fargo wagon is a'comin' down the street!" song. And what a treasure trove she delivered. I got tea!!! My favorite Stash Tea- "White Christmas." Yes, it was on clearance, and dh Bill got me 4 boxes! MMMMMmmmm.... Peppermint and ginger. And it's white tea so it's supposed to be full of anti-oxidents, and who couldn't use more of those in their diet?
But I'm really just stalling in telling you about these precious gifts that came all the way from North Dakota from a very special lady. Ever have days when you just need a friend? No, they don't have to actually be there with you, you just have to know that they're out there, somewhere, being your friend. And then BAM! You get a little piece of that friendship in concrete evidence and it just blows you away! Look at that journal. Is that not one of the coolest things you have ever seen? Look familiar? Yeah, it's an original by Darcie. Oh, I feel so honored. Floored. I own an original by Darcie. How could I rate such a gift? The hand-dyed fabric, the quilting and the beading... Well, you guys know how I love to write, right? And dontcha think that actual handwriting is gonna a be a lost art, someday? Like tatting or... well, like quilting very nearly got lost by the way. But you know with a journal like this... it's just inspiring! And when I fill up this journal- which I have no doubt I will- I can just pop another composition notebook in the luscious cover and start all over again! I keep 3 journals, already, and now I have a place to put the children's stories that I write for my girls. You'll notice there are 2 "baby" journals there for the girls. You should have seen their faces when they received them. Their eyes got so big and they hugged them to their hearts just like they do when they get a letter from Grandmother. Now that's a compliment, I'll tell you. Bekah has hers half-filled up and crammed each sheet with drawings of princesses. Eva has hers with her everywhere she goes! We have not left home without them! How typically thoughtful of Darcie! And the post card is sooooo cool. You know I have a weakness for them and I keep a frame up where I switch out my favorite postcards- this one went right in! Darcie sent me a copy of the magazine which featured her talents and what a surprise to see one of my postcards there on her sewing table!!! Now wasn't that a treat, too? My boys have found all of the articles in that magazine fascinating, especially the one featuring a meat cutter! They have come to the conclusion that there are a whole lot of cows in North Dakota.
So, I have thread, tea and a very dear friend who has sent me a gift that's a little piece of her. I got nuthin' to be gloomy about!