Friday, February 05, 2010

42 yards of fabric...

I feel like Marilla when Mathew bought 20 lbs of brown sugar... That's what got us started on this little project in the first place. Eva and Bekah fell in love with Anne's "plain and practical" dresses. (If you are unfamiliar with Anne of Green Gables... well, that's just sad.) So I went fabric shopping and found a great deal at Hobby Lobby. I love that place- but I don't "get" all the doodads. A gazillion things to clutter up your coffee table. No thanks. But the fabric... yummo! And you won't believe what I paid for this quiltshop-quality fabric. 2 bucks a yard!! 6 yards makes two very generously full skirted dresses. And 4 yards will make 2 pinafores- the girls insisted. So I have 6 dresses made- all but the button holes and buttons and I am working on 2 more. But... I ran into a hitch. The worst cold of the decade. Very bad timing as I am really wanting to sew. OK, when do I not want to sew? But between the drip-drip-drip and the hack-hack-hack, it rather takes the bloom off the rose and sewing is a real trial. Oh, I perservered, yesterday, and got some done, but today... I am counting the minutes til nap time(42 minutes.) Then two hours of quiet bliss. Well, as blissful as the snotty nose and sore throat and congested lungs will allow.


Sarah said...

Very cute dresses! DO you have a pattern for them? Maddie is in desperate need of some dresses and I am afraid I am going to have to cave in and sew them!

Hope you had a good nap. I am about to head that way!

teelduo said...

Oh how wonderful!!! I can't wait to see them in them. Funny you are talking about Anne of Green Gables. I have been reading the series. I cried at the end of book 3 when Anne finally confessed her love for Gilbert and now I am reading book 4, Anne's Dream House. I will be sad when I run out of books.

Get well soon! Love you!

Pamela (Peni) Teel said...

How sweet, how sweet!

Do take care of YOU!

Karen said...

I love "Anne of Green Gables"!

Isobel said...

I loved Anne of Green Gables...didn't realize there was a series. I will have to check out the library next door when we are finally out from under the snow that hit us beginning yesterday and continuing. I am so sorry that you are not feeling well, Nines. Hope you get better.

Isobel said...

You remind me a little of myself. When Kathy was little she had to go to summerschool for reading one summer and didn't really want to do that. To help her feel better about it, she would go to bed each evening and when she got up the next morning there would be a new outfit hanging on her door for her to wear to school. I believe I did this for a couple of weeks before I finally gave it up. At least she had plenty of clothes to start school that fall.

julieQ said...

I love Anne of Green Gables too! Very pretty fabric and cute dresses. I have occasionally run into very good sales at Hobby Lobby. Hope your cold situation is much better soon.

Amy said...

OH yes, where did you get that pattern??? My Felicity would also love the simpleness of those dresses!!!


Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh they are way too cute!