I love this part of quilting, don't you? What? you're not a quilter and you're reading this blog? Well, bless your heart! About all I ever talk about is quilts! That's the whole point of this blog, even if I get sidetracked from time to time. OK, maybe oftener that I ought. What am I talking about when I mention "the process?" Well I am sure there are as many processes as their are quilters. No two do it alike. We like to be individuals, we quilters. And I even change my own process of construction when I feel in the mood to do so. I get bored doing things the same ole way all the time.
This quilt called for me to be more organized than I usually tend to be. Yes, I know I am probably shocking you when I say I lack organization;-). Most of the time I just fly by the seat of my pants. You know, grab some fabric, cut some fabric, sew some fabric. Done. In this case, I grabbed a whole lot of fabric and made way more sub-units than I needed- Sandy will get the extra as she is planning on making this quilt, also. This allows for lots of variety. And a scrappy quilt calls for a lot of variety, dontcha think? First there was a gazillion four patches, and then a gatrillion HSTs. Sewn into a bajillion flying geese. All nestled lovingly into their own designated box. Light stars, dark stars...stars inside of stars... Now all the sub-sewing is almost done and I can start to see the quilt come together. Oh how I love seeing that- knowing it will look even better once the blocks are sewn together.
You know, if it were just the finished project that thrills my heart, I could probably buy them already made- for cheaper. I love the grabbing and the cutting and the sewing. And watching the whole project evolve into that special, one of a kind, quilt.