Wednesday, November 02, 2011

 My Mundane Monday...

I'm a little late on this post.  I tend to write in the late morning as I'm really not a morning person.  Mind you, I still get up and move around like I'm actually doing something.  But the tasks tend to be the mindless ones.  Laundry, string piecing, picking up the house, getting a head start on dinner.  But yesterday, I was busy later on in the day and didn't have time to blog.  So this morning I'll attempt to type and think at the same time.  No doubt it's a dubious business. 

Busy doing what?  I finished painting my living room. I love my 10' ceilings, but painting them... wow, what a bother!  Even with the extension pole on the roller, it's heads up and arms over head.  The cutting-in requires a 100 times up and down a tall ladder.  There are two beams across the ceiling so that makes for a lot of cutting-in.  It got to the point where it became a "you get the idea" kind of paint job.  The girls helped me cut-in the wall paint along the lower parts of the wall while, again, I was up and down the ladder on the upper parts.  With a total of 8 windows and doors in that one room...yick. But I'm done.  I'll need to get the furniture back in and then have some fun playing with new things on the wall.  (Wish I could eliminate the deer heads.  But the guys insist and I'm outnumbered.  I don't mind them too much and you do eventually get used to them, but they sure can collect dust.) I took the little ones out for the yearly candy gathering and walked about three miles through two of the nearest communities.  So worth it as I snagged two homemade caramel popcorn balls from that man on Main St.  It's a tradition, but he only made 200 this year instead of his usual 300.  The best treat ever.  All this to say, that between the ladder climbing, the above-the-head paint rolling and the three miles hiking... the discomfort is equally distributed on both the lower and upper parts of my body.

kinda yellowy green with a pale blue ceiling.
    A friend set Abe up with a bow and arrows just his size.  That is one happy camper.  He's out there as often as his sore fingers will allow and he's become quite good.  The guys have shot their deer dummy to smithereens.

the headless wonder
The weather has been brisk and gorgeous.  Sunny days and no wind to make it too uncomfortable.  The smell of woodsmoke and drying leaves in the air. I love this time of year.  My refusal to turn on the heat before Thanksgiving has the kids wearing their hoodies all day, but it'll thicken our blood and get us prepared for the winter's cold.  That's my theory.  Do your kids make faces out of their veggie soup and crackers?  I put some pasta in it (not my favorite) in an effort to get Paul to eat some- made the face-making even more fun.
Lunch time with the "little ones"


Pulled out my 301 and had forgotten how much I loved it.  Such a great sewing machine.  I love my others, but this is my absolute favorite.  If you ever have a chance to pick up one, you won't regret it.  Powerful, fast and accurate. Last week, Will got me a quilt calendar for the coming year- he's been sick by the way.  (That's why I've been able to paint all day and sew some late in the evenings.  He's rather like Hezekiah when he's sick- face to the wall and all that.) The calendar has 12 patterns by Debby Kratovil- one to go with each month's picture.  I've already started January's.  I had some bright batik FQs and thought they would make someone a cheery quilt. I'll need to buy some border fabric.

Singer 301

hmm... I'm not sure if it's bright enough...
   That's the majority of going-ons in this neck of the woods. Hope to be talking at ya in a couple days! ~nines


Julie in the Barn said...

That little quilt is a beauty, Nines. And the colorful leaves are purty too. Don't cha just love Autumn? Making clam chowder for dinner tonight. Cool weather calls for soup. I loved your TV in restaurants rant. I so agree. I also wish those with music would dial it down a few decibels. I hate having to shout across the table.

Pamela (Peni) Teel said...

How I love rambling through your days ... only you could make the neck-breaking job of 10' ceilings such an interesting challenge. So was it time for the stencil along chair rail to go away/ Just wondering.

Cheery and bright as it is, the quilt top could use a little more orange...wink, wink.

Love you so, Mama