Friday, November 02, 2018

A pillow it is...

Decided to go with the pillow option for my little tea towel. The cost of the towel was 99 cents. The red ruffled fabric was scraps from someone else's scrap bag.  The fluffy filling was left over high loft batting from a customer's quilt.  So the full cost of this project was less than a dollar.  My bed has a yellow and red quilt on it- and I have blue bedroom walls- so I look forward to seeing what it looks like in there.  

But, first, I need to make my bed.  I've heard that making your bed every morning makes you a better person.  Usually, my feet hit the floor running and I don't take the time before I jump into "Life." I'll flip the quilts up, but rarely get to the whole making the bed until later in the day- if at all.  Definitely have room for character development.

And lookee there!  I've been looking everywhere for that bobbin holder and there it is in the top left hand corner of the picture!  Eureka! 

1 comment:

Lindah said...

Oh that was such a good idea.
It's a beautiful pillow.
So glad you are blogging again!
I've missed you.