Thursday, May 02, 2019

Evabeth's quilt...

It seemed fitting to quilt this one in something fast and easy.  The Turning Twenty quilt went together very quickly. I wanted to try out a different color combination- orange, black and then brown just for the fun of it. I like it.

We're baby sitting Gabriel while Laurie and her Mom are at a doctor's appointment.  Just routine- no baby yet.  

My friend's boyfriend called this morning to let me know that Kathy had passed away unexpectedly.  Such a shock.  She was the most amazing seamstress I ever knew.  She taught home economics for high school.  She was an excellent teacher.  She taught me how to paint on silk and I loved it. Paul asked if I could come and help him sort through her things as he is needing to move almost right away.  He can't afford to keep their house without her income.  How awful to have to grieve while dealing with mundane- essentially insignificant- things.  She, like most quilters, had a huge stash and numerous machines.  If he had more time he could sell everything, but he doesn't have the time.  We'll call a couple of her other friends and see if there is anything they would want.  Kathy was so happy- they we're planning to get married. Sad.   

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