Saturday, October 22, 2005

Ott-Lite Days....
or a more reasonably priced fascimile. It has been gloomy and drear and cold here for the past few days, and I am tired of feeling dreary, gloomy and coldy. I don't know how those who live even more North than me can stay cheerful all the long winter when I am suffering through a rainy October. I first think that I need to eat something fattening to cheer me, but then I check myself and say, "Stop trying to fix a problem that food wasn't intended to fix." Sometimes that works. But what I find works better is listing some of my favorite, everyday, things. My list is getting pretty long these days. Hmmm...there's stainless steel pots, Fiskars scissors that spring back, those little facial towlettes, Dark chocolate Lindor truffles- buy only one, purple flowers with plum-colored flowers, chenille bedspreads, clean wooden floors, Tide laundry detergent and Downey softener- just the April-fresh scent, Irish breakfast tea, new rotary cutter blades, the smell of woodsmoke on a chilly evening, varigated threads, velour lounge pants, Mia Bella candles, 60* triangles, and romantic movies. Well, I do feel a little better. Now, I'm gonna fix me a cup of that Irish breakfast tea and try to get something done.


Sarah said...

Wish we were together to have a sewing day and then of course go have Chinese for lunch!

Miss you!

Finn said...

Nicely put Nines..and if you are going off with Sarah, I wanna come too..*G*G*G*G*G* And lets toss a snuggly flannel quilt into that mix of tea, books and chocolate..*VBG*

Joanne said...

"Raindrops on Roses...." Just felt like bursting into song! Snuggling up in front of the fire with a flannel quilt warms my soul!