For the glory of the sky,
For the love which from our birth,
over and around us lies...
For the joy of human love,
Brother sister, parent, child,
Friends on earth and friends above,
For all gentle thoughts and mild...
Lord of all, to Thee we raise This our hymn of grateful praise.
Thank you all so much for your prayers and concern during my father's recent surgery. We came so close to losing him and I am not sure if any of us are over it, yet. My two brothers and my sister all gathered around him on Sunday and as my brother, David, said later this past week, "Sunday was a dream. Monday was a nightmare." David gave such a good sermon on Sunday (on Caleb and being wholehearted) and my other brother, Craig, led the singing. It was all so sublime. Monday, we were left with prayer. I am home now as I needed to be with Will and my sweet children- he is the glue that holds me together. And there is nothing like the love of a child to keep things in perspective and to lift your spirits. My dad is recovering very well. He has some damage, but they never know what that will mean. This picture was of his first meal in four days. You should have heard him, "MMMM..." and that, over hospital food! We are hoping he will be home early this coming week, in time for Thanksgiving. And we have so much to be thankful for- don't we all?
What a treat to hear from you, Nines!
Your Dad's coloring is great...he looks healthy, yet I know all too well how exhausted he must be.
He is so fortunate for his family...and with family and faith, one can conquer anything!
Keeping you in my prayers....
PS. Watch out for that hubby of yours...you may just have created a new blogger!!! ;-)
Glad you got to come home for a little while. I'm sure Doris was missing you! Are you going back to WV? When does he get to come home? Call me if you get the chance? We are leaving for Arkansas tomorrow - about 2:30.
Love you!
Nines, so pleased to hear your good news, love and prayers can do amazing things, best thoughts Frances,
So happy to see that they have him up and eating, and that you feel ok to be back home again..Such good news and such a blessing for your family...*VBS*
What a lot to be thankful for! I'm so glad he is doing so well.....and take care of YOURSELF too!
Your dad looks great. Glad to hear things are going well now.
Judy L.
Your dad is looking really good. Glad he's doing better and you're home safe with your hubby and kids.
I'm so glad that your father is doing well and you are home with your family. You will all remain in my prayers.
What can I say? Everytime I look at this photo I tear up - it just touches me so much. I am so happy for you and your family - your Dad is looking so good. Truly a blessing.
Oh I'm so glad your dad is doing ok so far! And I'm so glad to hear you got to some home and see your family! We all missed you!
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