A Quilt for Tonya...aka "slavedriver"...
I'm teasing, and who among us really minds showing quilts- or looking at them? I had blogged about a chair that I had found at a thrift store and this quilt was hanging behind it- to cover up a quilt on the machine that I hated (a client's- who makes a quilt 45"x 97"? One long tall skinny dude.) and Tonya - with the eye of a fellow quilter- honed in on the quilt in the background! Several others have asked about it and I was meaning to take a picture and post it. Just never got to it. So, due to Tonya's heckling, I dug it out and took down the one that was hanging on the wall, and hung this one up to get the picture. Notice where it is hanging? Over my piano. So I am precariously standing on tippy toe to get it up there. Then I look at the piano and... ah man!... now I got to clear it off. It is my DH favorite landing zone for anything he can't deal with right now. You know, spare change, bills, newspapers, nuts, bolts, screw-driver bits, measuring tapes... Got that all put up...ah man!... now I gotta dust. DS, Daniel, suggested that it might have been easier to move the piano! Finally got the picture. Tonya is right, I got the pattern from 101 Rotary-cut Quilts. (Speaking of books, I have only ever bought four. And only used two of them. 101 is my favorite.) I more than doubled it in size and like it pretty well. It was one of the first quilts I had spent any real time on and I have yet to quilt it. I want to be a bit irreverent and put a funky back on it and quilt it with something silly, but then I am having my doubts so it just sits in a plastic tub waiting... I already have a buyer for it if I am so inclined, but I don't want to sell any of my "babies." I like that in The Quiltmaker's Gift. I've given lots of quilts away, but sell them? Well, that's just cold. I get emotionally attatched to anything that's in the house for more than, say, 48 hours!
I have GOT to get Stacy to put up me one of those hanging thingys. I am tired of standing on my tip-toes on a chair - holding up the camera at arms length. And then having to take multiple pictures unitl I happen to get it centered correctly. why don't you come over and help me hang one up?
Miss you!
A very lovely quilt! I like solid fabric quilts! Special between all the busy scrappy ones. But why it is so difficult to buy solid fabrics??? :c) I made a amish smple for the shop . a little one . You can see it in the next future at my blog.
Thank you Nina for risking dusting to get me a photo of that fabulous quilt top. You know why I recognized it? B/c that is one that I looked at over and over and over in the book and wanted to make. You did a fabulous job.
Pls pls pls, quilt it funky! Make it your OWN and have fun with it. (Imagine how much I'll heckle you until you do it, ba ha ha ha.)
Darn! It's no fair that Tonya is up and at 'em before I am all of the time.... Well, great minds think alike! Anyway...reading your post about the quilting style, Nines, I'm thinking..."Yeah! Yeah! Funky. Fun. It's yours...but do funky, fun, non-traditional."
But it IS yours, so I'm not going to say anything! ;-)
Love all of the effort that you had to go through to get an awesome pic for us. But do you really think that we have never seen "spare change" and "dust" before?
Do all hubbies do that? ;-) I just thought mine did that! ;-)
PS. Glad it feels good to be "headed in my direction!" ;-)
Really fab-tantic to see that marvelous quilt hanging up..but then I loved it behind the chair too..*VBG* Hope you decide to keep it and quilt it as your heart desires...only seems fair to compensate for that weird, stretchy client quilt !!
And how marvelous that it was YOU that saw, and realized and bought that little lavender/white vintage quilt. So many younger people see no value in the eldery...whether it be quilters or quilts...thanks for being you ! Hugs, Finn
I love the quilt! I use funky backings on many of my quilts. I love my backings! It's rare that I have a normal fabric on the back of one of mine.
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