Thursday, January 26, 2006


I'm not sure what that word means, but I like the sound of it. Sounds like "rest-just for spite!" I am in WV, now. I came to check on the folks and return my Dad's truck. I brought DS #2 with me and DD #2. We found a light dusting of snow on the ground- and the scene out their back window is very different from my wide open spaces. DH and the rest of the kiddos are joining me in a few days. I have a little bit of down time while my dad has some tests run and sees the Dr. I thought about going along and then I said, as my boys do, "Stink it!" I'm stayin' home. I am constantly trying to break them of that bad habit of using worthless words, so don't tell them I do it all the time, please. My Mom has an ergonomic keyboard and it is demonstrating to me how I have a very off-balance way of typing. Not a newsflash. But at this rate, it is going to take me ages to complete one blog! keep leaving out the middle of words. giggle.

Of course, I brought some sewing with me- and my FW. You know, several projects. And I am hoping to get some pictures of some of my Grandmother's quilts while I am here. She loved using old wool coats- very cool. I wanted to thank everyone for your encouraging words the other day. Sometimes, you just need to holler a little bit and then regroup. This next week, here in the wilds, is my version of regrouping. The stream is rushing past their barn-yes, they live in a barn, and I can hear a crow in the distance. The fire smells so wonderful and homey and my mom is the queen of caffeine, so I have lots of teas to choose from! I'm going to sew some and cook some and show my mom how to blog. Maybe get my dad to smoke some venison- know he will once the boys start in on him- you'd like it, Judy. Just relax where I don't have to do anything. Maybe not possible, but I'm gonna give it a good try. Thanks for listening!


Cher said...

I like your version of is always nice to leave home and have a break-hope you really get a chance to recharge your energy and soak up some mom love...great to hear your thoughts

Tonya Ricucci said...

Good. Relax, enjoy your sewing and drink some soothing tea. Take care.

Darcie said...

Big hugs to you, Nines! I know that you are surrounded by those you love and by those that love and cherish you...but there's something about being able to *go home and have Mom mother you once again.*

Blessings to all of you.

And may I be selfish??? I'D LOVE TO SEE SOME PHOTOS OF YOUR PARENTS' HOME!!! That sounds awesome! I've always wanted to tour a house made from a barn.

Finn said...

Sounds like a wonderful time and place out of mind and time. Hope it will be all you need it to be, and the venison gets smoked and your mom and dad get blogging. Hugs, Finn

P.S. Hope you tossed the old guy "caution" out the window! *G*

Laura said...

Enjoy your visit home! And please share more of your parents barn home, it sounds so neat.

Patti said...

It was wonderful getting to know you and your family through your blog. What a very beautiful family you have! I absolutely loved reading about the feasts - a heartwarming tradition. Your stories made me think of the Waltons - I guess because of all the kids. Looking forward to seeing more of your quilting.