Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Zig-Zag Crazy...
Finished the wool zig-zag quilt. I tried out all kinds of different designs in the quilting- not a beauty by any means, but quite functional in these cold climes and you have to admit, it definitely has something to say! I told my mom that the girls love it, but they would need help retrieving it, if it fell to the floor- weighs a ton. I didn't have room to spread it out, so I hope I'll get to take a picture of it on their bed when I get the binding on. That'll be fun wrestling with the two-ton quilt...NOT! Ah well, I might need to rest my neck for a few days, before I start that chore. I am a bit stiff, today, from working on Tonya's letters for my bones quilt. She makes it look so easy. I finally got tired of running up and down the stairs- from the furthest end of a rather large house- just to see how did she do that? I got a little more confidence after doing a few letters, but I decided I was just going to have to accept the ones I wasn't as pleased with. It is what it is.

I'm amazed that I haven't started a new project in about 3 days, now. Some kind of record there. I do have a stack of UFO's I could piddle with if I were so inclined. And I think I am. Today is my last day of domestic freedom- some of you know what I am speaking of, and I want to make it a sensational day. Kinda puts the pressure on. The day is half over as it is. But I got to sleep in- a treat, to be sure. I had a huge mug of tea. I spoke with my mom on the phone. I pinned a very cute quilt onto the machine- you've seen that flip-flop pattern? and I am doing a bit of reading- other folks' blogs. Not a bad first half. oh, and I did two loads of laundry. But maybe not sensational. So off to the quilting room I go, to see what kind of trouble I can get into. Wish me luck!


Sarah said...

Wish I was there to go out for Chinese with you to celebrate your last day of freedom! I'd even buy us some red pepper chicken! Love you!


Quilts And Pieces said...

Nina - that quilt is just too cool! I just love those colors!

quiltpixie said...

The quilt sounds wonderful. I love those heavy ones that make me lie still through the night and don't let in the drafts!

Tonya Ricucci said...

Do you think all my letters are wonderful? They're not. I've made entire words that no one but me can read. Yes, you'll keep getting better at it and sometimes you'll find that the imperfect letters are the quirky ones that make the quilt work. Keep going cuz you're doing great and you have the right attitude. Wish I could be there in person to encourage you tho!

Darcie said...

Oh! I cannot wait to see your letters. You've been so productive! Good for you!

I always love seeing pics of your kids in action. What a great math lesson for your son! I KNOW that's what you were intending, right? LOL

The girls' wool quilt sounds terrific! Just think of the stories that that quilt will hear in the upcoming years!

Isobel said...

Nina, What in the world are these letters youall keep talking about. My curiosity is about to kill me.

Aunt Isobel