Isn't that just a hoot?! Abe had the jitters during Bible study last night- I knew he was sleepy because he missed his nap. Daddy finally settled him in between him and John- no room to wiggle and he was asleep in 60 seconds! Sitting like a big man, of course.
No, I don't usually measure my fabrics that way, but I had two 1-gallon ziplock bags, filled with strips. All different widths and fabrics- from reproductions to batiks. This is the start of my coin quilt. I have a few more blocks(7.5x10.5") to make, and then I can put it all together with strips of something from the stash- I'm trying real hard to use up what I have. I'm thinking a golden-toned neutral. I foundation pieced them using pages from my telephone book. An old telephone book. I was amazed at how fast it went. I'll treat the kids into pulling off all the paper- funny how the little ones think that is a high time!
love your scrap strips -- I've always been partial to coin quilts, but I seem to favor patterned fabric and think they lok best out of fairly solid colours.... cute! He's just plum tuckered out, isn't he! Too sweet.
You and John are on a roll, aren't you! Twenty of them! Wow...hurray for both!
Love your tele-strings! Your kiddos are just the best to help you out with the "paper work!" What sweeties. I've done a few blocks that way as well...and actually, the tele paper is not too bad to pull off. I've also heard of some using dryer softener sheets. I usually rip mine into thirds I'd be in for some itty bitty little string blocks, wouldn't I! ;-)
Love you gallonfuls! ;-)
That's such a great picture of your little guy! Something to torture him with later, for sure! You sure keep busy with lots of projects! I started a string-like quilt with big pieces, but I tried to keep them in the fall colors family. I got several strips sewn together, and then it took up residence in the UFO box. It's got good company, though! I must have about 50 of them now.
He sure is a cutie, and the picture was a cheerer-upper. Looks like your coin quilt is going to be pretty and cheerful.
Your mama was telling me about these little covers. They are really interesting...quite lovely.
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