Wednesday, October 31, 2018


That's the best I can say about it.  So I sorted and compiled and collated. Threw a lot away. The floor needs swept. The windows washed. It still needs a lot of help, but at least I can sew in here if I want to.  Which I do.  You should have heard me talking to myself:  " You only need so many scraps of fabric."  "Honestly, you won't miss it." "It's for the better good."  I'm not sure that I was very convincing.  I'm still glancing at that trashcan like it's some sort of cinnamon bun. 

(The bag of batting and the trash bag beneath are a client's quilt.  I've had it for two weeks and have barely done more than glance into it.  Squares and triangles. There's a king-size batting.  I hope she just got the biggest size they had and that the quilt isn't actually that big.  There seems to be two backings... one flannel and one muslin.  I'm not sure what that means.  I really need to roll up my sleeves and dive into that. But the organizing comes first.) 

There are several stacks of fabric without a home. I bought two medium size bins, today, and I think they will fit under the cutting table.  It has diagonal bars under there that makes it tricky to store things.  We'll see.

Oh, and look at that linen towel on the table.  I bought it at a thrift store and, for some odd reason, I just love it.  I'm guessing it's from the 50's. I have no idea about what to do with it.  I don't dare use it as a towel, do I?  I can ruin a towel faster than anyone I know.  Of course, there are 6 men in the house and a couple of them are grease monkeys.  So, it's not all me. But I'd like to do something to display it.  It's folded in half so the back is the same as the front. I thought about making a tote bag out of it, but half of the picture would be lost in seam allowances. Any suggestions?  Maybe a pillow. For my bed as, again, the residents here are not necessarily appreciative of pretty things wishing to stay pretty. Still thinking.   


julieQ said...

What a difference a day go girl! I made a white quilt once...and the first time on the bed, a resident here..ahem...sat down on it with greasy pants!

mamasmercantile said...

How about a little bag for storage in your craft room, you would be able to enjoy it everytime you went in there.