Saturday, November 10, 2018


  In the US when we say "homely"  we're describing something dowdy, ugly.  But I've seen some home improvement shows from the UK and when they say "homely" they're using it as we would "homey."  Something cozy and warm. This one has the bases covered.  It's homey and homely. It's a client's quilt and I'm impressed with it- in that it's entirely hand stitched. It's just not entirely pretty.  But very homey.  And I think it will look sweet on a bed.  Of course, I've never actually met a quilt I didn't like on some level. As you can see, I'm just meandering it and she is using a Warm and Natural batting so with one wash it will have an even more homey feel and look to it.  It's growing on me.

Sleepy head...

I just couldn't resist sharing this picture.  He was eating some cheese puffs and then he wasn't. Fell asleep with his hand in the "cookie jar."

This is my fat goat.  I love him as much as any one ever loved their dog. OK, maybe that's an exaggeration as some people are just a a little over the top with their dogs.  But you get my point.  We love him.  He moves around the property taking care of weeds and overgrown grass.  He loves people.  He especially loves to be read to. He never head butts. But if you punch him on the top of the head, he practically purrs.  


Lindah said...

"if you punch him on top of the head, he practically purrs." That just gave me the giggles. I like the idea of a pet goat. At least it does something constructive --or de-structive, as the case may be-- by doing the weeding, etc. :-) I really like your tree quilties; I hope you can find the makings for the big one. That would be really impressive as a bed size.

mamasmercantile said...

The joy of being able to fall asleep in an instant like that little one, he looks so content.