Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Christmas in this house was only three days ago.  No judging.
 Numero uno...

This is the first finish.  (I decided not to count down from 50 because I've already found a few stragglers.  So, I'll count upward and see where I get.  If I quilt one a week, that will take me more than a year... I don't see me doing that many.  Truly, quilting and binding a quilt every other week is daunting.  But maybe this is the challenge I need.  Quilting has always been a joy to me and I'm just not going to turn it into a chore. But then, there's no need to not be productive while I'm having a good time, right?  See how these thoughts bounce around in my head? Don't know who I'm trying to convince;-) Having already quilted it, all I needed to do to this one was bind it- not the simplest binding, but with the frigid temps, I was happy to sit by the wood burning stove and stitch away.  The quilt top I found in an antique store years ago.  Isn't it lovely?  Maybe the maker got bogged down by the thought of quilting all of those angles(I just did a smallish meander) and then the binding of them.  Feeling pretty proud of the rescue. 

These are the two pillowcases I made.  They're for twins- as different as the pillow cases.  But the sweetest 7 year olds ever.

As I lay in bed last night, it occurred to me that I have at least 3 quilts in the works that I've put a lot of effort into over the years and I'm just not ready to let them go.  So, I guess I will be sewing some quilts. Not that I mind.  This one is a 4" crumb block compilation. Bonnie Hunter started me on this little project years ago.  I'm going to join all of the blocks together in one big crazy quilt.  It'll weigh a ton.  I think I'll use flannel for the batting to cut down on the weight.  We'll see.  I mean, I have a year or two to finish it, right?

Something very satisfying about a pile of blocks in the sunshine. 


Marilyn Parks said...

Have loved reading your blog over the past few years--both the quilting and the family stories. Just want to encourage you to keep on working on your finishes. I have found it so satisfying to set realistic goals and reach them. By doing this last year I was able to complete several intricate projects that had been languishing for a very long time. I was so motivated by success that I am working on even older, forgotten projects this year. Wishing you success and joy in reaching your goals.

Incidentally I believe we may share a common ancestor a few generations back. Leroy Miller was my great grandfather.

mamasmercantile said...

Slow and steady, a joy to read that you working on projects that have been languishing for awhile.

Angie said...

This quilt is breathtaking!!! Someone, including you, put a lot of love and time into this Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt. So lovely, especially now that is is finished.