Tuesday, March 05, 2019

 Today's finishes...

So, I cheated.  These are really small.  But I still finished them.  I was hoping to get the pink and red one done before Valentine's Day, but that was the week I was in the hospital so...  But it'll be done for next year. And, strictly speaking, it isn't  overtly Valentines-y.  It's just red and pink.  It measures about 18x20". 

This is the second one of this pattern I've made.  I just wanted something bright.  I think I gave the other one away.  (Do you do that?  Give things away and can't remember to whom?  I have a quilt missing right now.  I saw a picture of it on my phone, but it's no where to be found.  Did I quilt it and give it away?  I don't remember doing that...  Oh well, I might come across it as I clean quilts out of bins.)  I used a variegated YLI thread- haven't used that brand in years.  So much coarser than the Mediera.  But it worked so that's something.  

I've measured the bulk of my quilt tops and labeled them with the measurements.  I think that will make it simpler when I go to put it on the frame- I'll know what backing and batting I should grab.  I didn't get any quilting done, yesterday, as I am pretty sore.  I fell down the stairs and I hurt in places I didn't know existed.  It was only 5 steps, but still, I'm no spring chicken. Well, next time, I won't get distracted when I'm wearing slippers.  Maybe that's why they're called slippers... they make you slip.


julieQ said...

Yes, I do that...lots of quilts are missing, LOL! I am so sorry you fell...that smarts for sure!

mamasmercantile said...

Such beautiful work. Sorry to hear about your fall, hope you feel better soon.