Monday, March 04, 2019

Anyone that knows me, will know that this is not one of my quilts.  I don't usually match fabric.  I never thought about that until I saw this one.  I guess I take "scrappy" to a whole other level.  (But, I might surprise you with some of the quilts I finish over the next year or two.  I'm not bi-polar for nothing.) This split rail fence was made by my son, John.  I think he was about 12 years old.  Almost all of my boys have sewn at one stage or another.  He even quilted it. So, it's been 10 years in need of binding.  To be fair, he had it on his bed for a good 5 years. I'll count it as a finish even though he pieced and quilted it.

This is one of my Mom's quilt tops.  I think it is so sweet- just like her.  2 years ago, she was getting ready to move and downsize, so she gave away all of her quilt tops.  She hung them on a line and let the daughters and grand daughters choose which ones they wanted.  My daughter-in-law choose this one- green is her favorite color.  I quilted it using some pale pink thread in loops and leaves.  I filled the inner border with little leaves. The binding is marginally scrappy- just two different patterns but the same shade of pink.  

The weather has turned cold again.  At least there's snow which blankets the beige fields.  I saw the surgeon, today, and he says my appendix did rupture after all, but that it didn't drain- much- into my abdomen.  This is probably the cause of the inflammation and enlarged lymph nodes. The human body is an amazing thing and he said I was very lucky- but that if you have unexplained pain, you might want to make a more timely visit to the doctor.  I get to have a scope of that area in a few weeks- what fun.  And a follow up scan to get a look at my lymph nodes in a few weeks after that.  Everything should be resolved by then. Being sick is such a hassle and so inconvenient.  I'm trying not to take every day for granted.  But that's not so easy.  Before you know it, you're just breezing along until... who knows what will happen.  

Today is Bekah's birthday.  She's 18.  This is a picture of one of her drawings.  She's very talented.  (I got the picture at great physical endangerment- I fell down the stairs. Ouch.) That's her standing next to me.  A little mini-me. She's just a sweet as she can be.  Very sensible and practical.  All girl- yes, her hair is purple.  Always the voice of reason and someone who can sympathize with you. I love the stuffing out of her. 


julieQ said...

You are just on a tremendous roll with your quilting! I love each and every one...super fun, Nines!

mamasmercantile said...

My goodness what a talent your son has too, it obviously runs in the family. Hope all goes well with the scan and other medical examinations.