Friday, September 04, 2009

Corncob babies...
Julie asked how school was going and we are having a blast. This is the "little ones" with their corncob babies wrapped in a hankie- just like Laura. We read today about Laura getting a rag doll for Christmas and the girls got a little panicky that they were going to have to give up their corncob dolls. They made babies out of my Dad's precious pawpaws one year... you know how boys will make a gun out of any unsuspecting stick? Well, my girls will make a baby out of just about anything! They had a teaparty with them, yesterday.


Pamela (Peni) Teel said...

I see Abe found his baby ...

Lovin' it! (But your "little ones" aren't very little any more are they?)

Happy Prairie Days to you all!

[My word verification is "blest" ... little do they know how blessed we all are by these 'little ones'.]

Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

What a cute photo! You can tell the girls that the corncob babies like to play with rag dolls.

Julie in the Barn said...

Too cute! They grow up so fast. Enjoy these days with your babies and their dollies. Thanks for sharing, too. Brings back such sweet memories.