Thursday, March 14, 2019

 It practically glows in the dark. 

All of the fabric- except the two outer borders- were given to me by my Aunt Isobel.  She must have been going through a seriously strong case of brightitus. My younger daughter was especially fond of bright colors when she was a child, so I made this for her.  That was about 10 years ago.  This picture was taken during a rain storm so the lighting is poor.  It's brighter than it appears. The backing for the quilt is made from 10" blocks given to me by another friend.  I have really good friends.  These colors are probably more to her liking these days- which is fine.  It can be a reversible quilt. The quilt is very big- 90"x 105".  I quilted it in three different styles of swirls.

In case you didn't know it, this blog doubles as a journal.  Some quilting and then some day to day things.  

I was recently traumatized by an insulin pump. Actually, I think the continuous glucose monitor was to blame.  It was like being held hostage by a demanding baby and a tyrant.  Calibrate, wait 15 minutes to calibrate, do not calibrate while sensor is updating.  This could take 3 hours but we're going to remind you every 15 minutes just in case you forget.  And be sure to acknowledge the reminder or we'll repeat in 2 minutes.  Blood glucose is required for auto mode.  Finally, after all night and half to day- sensor is not functioning properly, remove and replace.  I have never been so happy to rip something out of me. And replace?  Nope.  Not til I'm over this grudge. I'm exhausted.


Pamela (Peni) Teel said...

Sorry about the pump snafu, honey. Technology is wonderful...until it's not.and I really like the idea of a reversible quilt.

mamasmercantile said...

I think I would have been traumatised too. Such a lovely quilt, I love the idea of a reversible quilt.

julieQ said...

OH wow! A nurse at work has one...she frequently overdoses, and is found down, and we have to start an IV and give her dextrose. Crazy things! Your quilt is so pretty!