Simple living, or simply living...
I love words, don't you? Sometimes I'll just make lists of words that seem to go together- or words that I like the sound of and try to use them all in one sentence. ("Ode to Mom"- I think that was in September, was one of those. Trepidation, and consternation are two words I wanted to use, but missed the opportunity.) Simple and simply seem very much the same word, and the difference is subtle, but they seem to significant to me.
I've had a very peaceful week. A simple week. I've refused to get caught up in the mental and emotional turmoil that seems to swirl around me these days. What purpose would it serve and how would that impact my quilting? Giggle. Now that we have ascertained what's important... I'm thinking that there is something to be said for the concept of endurance- not acceptance, necessarily, but enduring in the sense that what is beyond my control is... beyond my control. And I'm figuring that those things are some kind of disguised blessing- I'm just not of the mind to rip off the mask and see what's behind it. So...
I'm baking rolls using my "no recipe" recipe. I'll have to blog that one as I have been getting rave reviews. I've organized the laundry situation at my house- oh, joy! I can actually see the laundryroom floor! I've finished a couple quilt tops, quilted a couple more. Been chipping away at a couple more. I even bound the above quilt. Sarah hates that job, but apparently she is very proficient at it. Me, I figure that I am depreciating my quilts with each stitch I take!! Actually, they don't look too bad, but I doubt anyone would say, "My! What straight binding!" either. This quilt is for my cousin's son. His brother was our ring-bearer and in an effort to show impartiality, he is also getting a quilt. (That's my story, but the fact of the matter is, I just love her boys. I can't help myself. They are wonderful. I'm calling this quilt, "Alex the Great.") He is in his first year at college. I had meant to get this quilt done long before now, but I've had a cra... difficult autumn. It just has taken me awhile longer to finish than planned. I need to get a label made and attached, then it'll be on it's way. Better late than never- and he is the sweetest guy. Did I already mention that? Oh, and I washed the quilt and despite my concerns that some of those very dark greens were going to bleed all over the whites- nothing untoward happened. How relieved am I?! I did use my mom's advice and put some vinegar and salt in the washwater. Why? I have no idea. But it didn't bleed. If Alex has some sort of inexplicable craving for fish and chips, we'll blame it on the hillybilly method of setting dyes.
The kids humored me and went to see Pride and Prejudice. I couldn't help but smile when my husband said, "9 for Pride and Prejudice." My two oldest boys looking a little out of place. We decided that we liked it, but I must say that I preferred the A&E version- it was more... peaceful. The British are good at that. (Colin Firth was so good in the first one, but whoever the young man was in this version- he was wonderful, also. Just different.) I humored the kids and went to see Chicken Little with them. Now that wasn't so good, but the chicken was cute. We have a dollar theatre here in town and it is a good deal for big families. A very pleasant way to spend a cold winter evening. And it's 50 cents on Tuesdays, if you're really cheap. Evabeth is embarking on showbiz, herself. She had an interview with the director and producer for advertising at the medical center where she had some tests run. Apparently, the employees there found her appealing and mentioned it to them. I have put off meeting with them, but figured that Eva would find it fun and she could use a little fun these days... When she started quoting The Princess Bride, "Mawage. Mawege is what bwings us togethew... today." I thought they would fall out of their seats they were laughing so hard. Then all talk moved from a poster and billboard to a comercial on cable TV. They asked her if she would be nervous and she said, "Not a bit." That's Eva.
Now, I have broken into the bag containing Tonya's letters and I have started setting them. Unlike Sarah, I have been pleasantly surprised with how easily they are coming together. Of course, I am working with monster letters, not baby ones, so maybe that is the deciding factor. I have come to a corner and I can't see my way around an inset seam- oh the agony. But I am trying to calm myself by saying that it is only one. Not something I will have to repeat. I'm not feeling very calm about it, though. I just really, really want that silly "o" to straddle the line between the upper border and the side border. There's no help for it. It's simple, right? or simply right?